“Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice to be heard.” – unknown
The strength of our cultures and society rests on the conviction that each of us are valued and included. As service providers in our rapidly evolving environments, meeting the needs of diverse students, clients, patients, and consumers require ongoing core knowledge and awareness.
Whether you are in the healthcare, education, social services or corporate sectors, research supports that recognizing the value of diversity and intersectional experiences promotes health and wellness, improved quality of services, increased productivity, and fosters consumer satisfaction.
Diversity Essentials delivers onsite and online quality and professional training to service providers, organizations and businesses throughout Canada and the US. Trainers incorporate transformative education learning theory and change models that are appropriate for diverse learners. Workshop delivery methods can include: individual, small and large group discussions, independent reflections, experiential and interactive activities, didactic delivery, and case studies.
Once your workshop is booked, you and the facilitator will discuss the several options for the participants to retain, adapt, and operationalize the content.

Diversity Essentials is located on Treaty 1 Territory. The traditional territory of the Anishinabewaki, Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, Cree, Anishininiimowin (Oji-Cree), and homeland of the Michif Piyii (Métis) peoples. We acknowledge that the water we consume is from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation in Treaty 3 Territory. We acknowledge and respect the Treaties formed on these territories. We acknowledge and recognize the history and harms of colonization on Indigenous peoples and are committed to active accountability centering justice, equity, and reconciliation.
The legacies of settler colonization and capitalism has had a profound affect on shaping attitudes and values regarding our sexual health and wellness. Moralism, shame and cultural pressures put us at risk from acquiring knowledge, understanding sexual literacy, and navigating aspects of our identities and relationships. Diversity Essentials affirms that all people of all developmental stages deserve the right to receive accurate information, access to sexual and reproductive health services, and lead their life with autonomy free from all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, coercion and shame.
As more media footage highlight the historical truths of systemic racism, the harm will continue without immediate and consistent systemic and societal change. We are ALL called to action to interrupt, confront and dismantle systemic and casual forms of racism including recognizing intersectionality. For service providers and organizations this means calling inward, unlearning, re-learning, action and evaluation. Diversity Essentials is committed to examining all our content and deliveries and to be held accountable by our communities and colleagues otherwise we too are complicit, and participate and perpetuate systems of oppression and white supremacy.
The facilitator was fabulous! Very knowledgeable and kept my attention the whole day.
It was such an inspiration to attend your workshop yesterday. While I have attended many workshops before, rarely have they ever had the perfect blend of creativity, and personal touch that you managed to perfectly hit on yesterday. I learned so much and had a great time doing it!
Very safe. Very informative.
This workshop was engaging and relevant to my clinical practice. The content was provided in an open non-judgemental way that made me feel comfortable asking the questions I wanted to ask in a safe space. I really appreciated that, thank you!